Friday, 7 June 2013


As the children finished their inquiry into chicks, butterflies, plants and hermit crabs they decided to further investigate an animal of their choice.  I replaced our "Living Things stations" with animal and plant books.  Students had an opportunity to go through the books and decide on a animal they wish to explore further.  Each student created their own "Wondering" on paper about an animal.  I went to the library and signed out as many books as I could about the animals they had chosen.  The books were then placed into our "Research Station."

For the next two weeks the students researched their animal at school using the books and went to the "Creation Station" to make their animal.  They had decided previously that they wanted to make their animal and one boy had suggested that they also make their own habitat.  The children had access to every recycled item and material I could find.  Most decided to make their animal using clay and they thought of creative ways to make/represent the animal's habitat.

Afterwards, each student shared their animal and habitat with the class.  They orally reported what they had wondered about their animal and the information they had learned by researching it. Take a look at these photos that show their creativity and discoveries...
"Tigers need a lot of food to live.  They can climb high.  They jump up to 3.  They need a lot of water.
 I wanted to have a family of tigers."
"They always hunt for wild animals that are littler and with meat.  They are really quiet, smell it
walk to it.  They only bite it's head or neck.  It makes it die.  If they bite the legs they wouldn't die.
They have night vision."

"I learned that whales only east some jellyfish when they are small because their mouths can't go wide
like hippos.  Barnacles are animals on a whale, little bumps and it doesn't come off."
"I learned that turtles lay their eggs on land.  They don't have teeth but a hard  beak.  Sea turtles can't put
their head into their shell.  The first (legs) ones does the paddling and the back ones (legs) steer.   Lights and buildings hurt the turtle.  They follow the moon when hatched and go to the sea.  But they get tricked by lights on a building and go to the building."
Boxer Dogs
"I learned that boxers are active.  (What does that mean?)  it lot's of stuff and they never stop til they are done it.  They love to play fetch.  They don't want to stop until they do.  They like to eat, play fetch and run a lot.  A lot of times they run upstairs and jump on beds and they like to cuddle with you."
"I learned that parrots need food and water to live.  Well, parrots don't talk but trained parrots learn to talk.  They are the only animals in the whole world that can talk.

"I found out that sea turtles eat jelly fish and that the not sea turtles (land turtles) live on land and water.  They go inside their shells to be protected.  Turtles are attached to their shells.  Their shells grow with them.  The shell peels a little bit.  The shell cannot come off without the turtle dying."
"I discovered that kangaroos like to go in hot places and they like small places.  They like a lot of water.  They can hold their joey in the pouch.  A joey is a baby kangaroo.  The joey comes out when it is old enough to survive by itself."
"I learned that some types of lizards don't have any legs or arms and are like snakes.  They slither along.  They live in the jungle.  There are a lot of types of lizards."
"I researched that the yolk comes from the hen.  It goes down a tube and it makes the yellow in the egg.  Chicks use their egg tooth to peck themselves out of the egg."
"Tigers fangs are as tall as a diet coke or coke can.  They can kill animals bigger than themselves.  They are the only cats that like water."
"I learned that sharks eat fish and other things.  Sharks usually lose one tooth every time it eats."


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