After exploring some kindergarten rooms with the Full Day Kindergarten program, I was surprised by the changes that had taken place within the classroom setting. There were few store-bought items, corked-exposed bulletin boards, less colour etc... For a teacher who is a visual learner, I questioned why. As a visual learner, I always took pride in creating a welcoming space that was visually appealing with primary colours, activity centres, student work and bulletin boards that were literacy-rich. A colleague suggested that I read an article titled "Consider The Walls." After reading the article, I spent time really reflecting on what items were on my bulletin boards and walls. I thought about the colours being used, the borders, the way I had set up my learning areas etc... I had always thought my students work stood out, but then I thought IS it really? Is it competing with my primary coloured borders, backgrounds, coloured shelves etc... I then started researching the author's references and came across "Emilia Reggio." After reading many articles on the Reggio Approach, searching for images (visual learner-remember) and considerable thought, I began to venture into new ground... thus the classroom transformation began...

AFTER SHOTS: I thought about ways to calm my environment. I removed the charts and store-bought materials from the walls and cupboards. I then created a "Grade One Words and Anchor Charts" folder for each student. The contents of the folder included all the resources that were on my walls: colour words, number words, number chart, ordinal numbers, a copy of the word wall, jolly phonics images, student names, reading anchor charts and writing anchor charts. Now, the students use the folder as a resource when working at their desks rather than looking at the wall. With student input, I also chose a soft gray and purple to paint the bulletin boards. I simplified all of the areas, focusing on only showcasing what was necessary and student work. I also rearranged furniture to create a space for a "Creation Station" that holds art materials for easy access (Reggio influence). Literacy stations were also placed in locations that allowed for movement and became more accessible. The influence of Emilia Reggio and FDK also encouraged me to bring in more "natural" materials such as wood baskets, plants, stones, mirrors, glass etc... Keeping the students in mind also prompted me to get the students to create the calendars for April, May and June. I LOVE the result! The space is welcoming, student-centred and MUCH CALMER! If you are thinking of making a classroom transformation... an idea that worked for me was to take photos of the process. I was surprised that when I was in my room, I felt like it was a calm space. However once I looked at a photo, it told a different story. Photos showed me what still needed work and what areas were still too cluttered and busy.
Writing Wall |
Word Wall, Book Nook & Buddy Reading Area |
Science Station, Book Nook, Problem Solving Wall |
Whole Group Gathering Area, Prayer Table |
Math Wall, manipulatives and Math Stations |
Book Nook Area |
Book Nook Area |
Wondering Wall, Gathering Area |
Small Group Area |
Creation Station, Writing Station Bins |
Working With Words Area |
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