To begin our Living Things Inquiry, students watched a
Characteristics of Living Things that showed our incredible earth and some amazing life.
As the children watched they responded to the images on the screen with wonder and excitement. They were excited to begin discussing their wonderings about different animals and living things... and there were many, many, many wonderings! So many in fact... the inquiry has just kept growing and we are now into week four!
I found that the best way to honour these inquiries was to "chunk" some of it. First, I asked the class what living things were in our room. At the time, we had eggs in our incubator, bean plants growing (from our Energy inquiry), our 2 hermit crabs and caterpillars. I asked
"Is there a way to investigate living things by using the living things in our classroom?" Many of the students suggested we use stations again. The class and I decided to have "Living Stations." They suggested a chick station, a plant station, a hermit crab station, a butterfly station, a creation station, a research station (for our other wonderings) and a people station (as we are living). At first I thought, okay it is a lot to focus on, but we can do it... but after a day of really considering the stations, I decided to suggest to the students that we focus only on our first four stations as there was going to be a lot of changes to some of our living visitors. We then decided that we would focus on these four stations: the chick station, the plant station, the hermit crab station and the butterfly station. Afterwards, we would continue our research into our wonderings and look more in depth into people and the human body.
Once again, I asked the students to choose one area they would like to study in-depth about. Each group then got together and began to write their wonderings about that living thing. Here are the wonderings:
Wonderings about Caterpillars & Butterflies |
Wonderings about Chicks |
Wonderings about Hermit Crabs |
Wonderings about Plants |
After gathering materials to help students explore and discover what living things are and what they need (i.e. library books, life cycle posters) we co-constructed a list of "I can..." statements and questions they could explore at each station. After examining, the wonderings I also spent time searching for interesting videos on youtube and created QR codes (and for those who know me... this was a pretty big step in my growth with technology!) for each station.
With much excitement, the students traveled in their groups to each station for 2 large chunks of time (they were also free to go their during other points in the day) to explore their wonderings about the living things, discover new ideas and share their learning with one another through discussion and their "Discovery Book" work. The results were
AMAZING! The children were so engaged that at one point they had been at one station for over 30 minutes and they were still focused! (I even took a video of it to show my colleagues, my principal and the children in the class!)
Here are photos of each Living Inquiry Station:
The Chick Station: The Incubator |
The Chick Station: Brooder |
The Hermit Crab Station |
The Butterfly Station: The Caterpillars |
The Butterfly Station: Butterfly Cage |
The Plant Station |
Here are some photos that capture the children exploring, discovering and documenting their learning:
Here are some samples of work:
Hermit Crab Habitat and Observations |
Discovery: A Hermit Crab is moving into another shell |
Discovery: Picture of a Hermit Crab changing shells |
Discovery: Hermit Crabs shed their skin. |
Hermit Crab Observation |
Hermit Crab Habitat: Labeled needs |
Hermit Crab Habitat and Needs |
Plant Observation: Seeds are different |
Discovery from video: This plant can eat bugs. |
Planting Inquiry: Planting a flower in a box with just a hole |
Discovery from video: I learned how some plants can eat insects |
Observations & Discovery: Caterpillars |
Observations: The butterflies grow a chrysalis.
Picture of caterpillars hanging and food. |
Observations of Caterpillars |
Discovery from video and books: Butterfly Life Cycle |
Discovery of how the chick grows & picture of what is inside the egg (observation) |
Observation of incubator and response to a video that showed the chick growing inside the egg. |
Observations of the incubator and chicks hatching |
Observation of the incubator & what the embryo looks like inside the egg |
Discovery: Response to video on the life cycle
"I learned that they are growing in the egg. The chicks use their beak to get out." |
Observation of what is happening inside the egg when we "light" them |
Discovery: Life Cycle of the Chick |
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