Here are some photos of student work in the Discovery Books:
Evidence of Learning! on PhotoPeach
A Grade One Journey of Inquiry and Play
The Senses Inquiry Station |
The Skeleton Inquiry Station |
The Brain and Spine Inquiry Station |
The Heart and Lungs Inquiry Station |
What does is it? What does it feel like? |
I can see your tastebuds! |
Tricking my brain by putting my finger in cold and hot water, then into warm! |
This pulls the lung down to fill with air! |
Tigers "Tigers need a lot of food to live. They can climb high. They jump up to 3. They need a lot of water. I wanted to have a family of tigers." |
Whales "I learned that whales only east some jellyfish when they are small because their mouths can't go wide like hippos. Barnacles are animals on a whale, little bumps and it doesn't come off." |
Parrot "I learned that parrots need food and water to live. Well, parrots don't talk but trained parrots learn to talk. They are the only animals in the whole world that can talk. |
Lizard "I learned that some types of lizards don't have any legs or arms and are like snakes. They slither along. They live in the jungle. There are a lot of types of lizards." |
Chick "I researched that the yolk comes from the hen. It goes down a tube and it makes the yellow in the egg. Chicks use their egg tooth to peck themselves out of the egg." |
Tiger "Tigers fangs are as tall as a diet coke or coke can. They can kill animals bigger than themselves. They are the only cats that like water." |
Shark "I learned that sharks eat fish and other things. Sharks usually lose one tooth every time it eats." |
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