Thursday, 26 February 2015

A Reflection of Learning About Learning...


I haven't written much over the last while as I have been busy within our Grade One Classroom and being a Mom of 2 busy boys.  But, when I do have time to reflect on my learning, I am surprised by how much my thinking and practice has changed over the last three years.  Listening to my students, opening my mind up to new possibilities and providing more opportunity for exploration/discovery/play in the classroom has deepened my understanding of play, the idea of having an "inquiry stance" and the importance of being present in the play to observe, listen and document.

When I look back on my past posts and the beginning of this journey, I am astonished in how I have evolved from that thinking and that things continue to change.  A few things I have now learned and developed a deeper appreciation for:

*I have learned that inquiry is truly a stance- it is a mindset.  It is not a "wonder wednesday" where children have a specific time to check out their wonderings on the ipads.  It is how you engage in conversation with your students, all day, everyday.  It is asking children to share their thinking of how the world works and encouraging them to think deeper.  It is valuing moments when a read aloud, experience, shared reading text etc... ignites a passionate debate/discussion amongst students and just "going with it" instead of what you had originally planned.  It is providing opportunities for students to think and placing the focus on the process, rather than the product.

* I have a deeper appreciation for play in a child's learning.  Play is where the child's heart is in the learning.  Play is where skills are developed, enhanced, practiced, applied.  Play is where children are themselves and they show you who they are and how much they know and can do.  In play, we see the curriculum unfold, we identify areas to focus on and we see how to respond/extend/challenge.

*I have discovered that open opportunities for play and learning is where the curriculum comes alive naturally and in an authentic way.

*I have learned how important it is to listen and observe students as they interact with others and materials and be "present" in the learning/play.  I no longer enter the play/learning spaces with a preset checklist of "curriculum look fors".  I now take that moment to document student thinking, then after reflection, I see what I can learn from it.  The amazing thing is that the curriculum truly unfolds before my eyes.

*I have realized that many teachers equate explicit instruction with whole group learning.  The reality is that explicit instruction can occur within large group, small group, one-on-one, within teacher-directed activities, within open opportunities for learning, co-created stations and within play.  Explicit instruction happens when needed and is not one size fits all- it is based on the learning goals of each student.

*I have learned that the environment when used as the third teacher, is constantly changing based upon the inquiries/play/interests of the children.  Materials and learning areas change to provoke, to engage, to respond, to challenge and to meet the needs of students.  Areas for learning (i.e. building area, dramatic play area, visual arts) may take more or less space in the classroom, depending on how the children use the materials and space- and this may change throughout the year. The Environment and materials selected invites the curriculum to come alive.

Looking at this list,  I realize it is only scratching the surface of what I have learned about learning.  It is difficult to put into words how incredible this journey has been and how much I look forward to continuing it....



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